Gay romance fiction

Indelible Dialogue

a craft workshop for genre authors

  • Format: available in lengths from one to six hours.
  • Technical requirements: projector/screen if available.


Class Blurb:


Talk isn’t cheap. Conversations can make or break a book and help your characters pop off the page. In this hour, we’ll unpack an arsenal of tricks you can use to cut the flab in your gab and unleash unforgettable communication. Join screenwriter and novelist Damon Suede for an arsenal of nitty-gritty techniques to turn that chatter into convos that matter.

Class Description:

Indelible Dialogue is a practical workshop about creating conversations that move your readers and advance your story exponentially. In a session suitable for writers of every experience level and stylistic approach, we’ll explore:

  • the structure of fictional convos
  • techniques for believable dialogue that doesn't drag or snag.
  • the power of secrets, subtext, and context in character discussions.
  • the tricks and traps of dialogue, as well as several ways to create conversations that pop.

Dialogue is one of the most powerful ways to deepen character and worldbuild quickly. Let your words do the work, and let your characters speak their minds. Join screenwriter and novelist Damon Suede for an arsenal of nitty-gritty techniques to turn that chatter into convos that matter.


  • voice exercises to develop distinct timbres for each of your characters,
  • tools for using dialogue to shape pace, scope, and character depth
  • a checklist of dialogue traps that bedevil fiction
  • Exercises to develop your on-page conversational skills.


 "For an endless moment, Runt imagined the crooked corporation had folded and they’d been forgotten, laughing and living together under these perfect suns, waiting for wives that would never come, happily hunting fresh meat at the sharp edge of the galaxy." (Grown Men - D. Suede)

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Recommended reading:




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"No one deserves to be punished for loving with an open heart." (Hot Head - D. Suede)

If you'd like to book Damon to come present a workshop for your group or chapter, just give a holler.